

GUIDE TO GKS SCHOLARSHIP The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is a fully-funded scholarship program offered by the South Korean government to international students who wish to pursue undergraduate or graduate studies in Korean universities. It is a highly competitive scholarship program that attracts thousands of applicants from all over the world every year. However, with proper preparation and planning, you can increase your chances of getting selected for the GKS scholarship. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to increase your chances of getting selected for the GKS scholarship. Research and choose the right program The first step to getting selected for the GKS scholarship is to research and choose the right program. The GKS scholarship offers various programs, including undergraduate, graduate, research, and Korean language courses. It is essential to choose a program that aligns with your academic goals and career aspirations. Once you have selecte


MBBS in Korea: A Comprehensive Guide for International Students South Korea is rapidly emerging as a top destination for international students seeking quality medical education. The country's advanced healthcare infrastructure, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and world-class academic programs make it an attractive option for students looking to pursue MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) in Korea. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide for international students interested in pursuing MBBS in Korea, including eligibility criteria, admission process, and top medical universities in Korea. Eligibility Criteria for MBBS in Korea To be eligible for MBBS in Korea, international students must meet the following criteria: Age: The candidate should be at least 18 years of age at the time of admission. Academic Qualification: Students must have completed their high school education with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in physics,

How to get admission in korean university

How to get admission in Korean Medical University Studying mbbs abroad has become preference to many students. Medical course abroad can give students a great exposure to the world. Students can learn different skills and techniques from various countries and help there motherland to grow and develop. Knowledge from different countries can come to a single country which helps in upbringing and development of the Nation.  Medicine in korea can be a wise choice for many youngsters. But for getting admission, we need to know the whole process of getting selected to one of those great universities. 1. Complete your highschool. Students should complete there highschool studies with great GPA (percentage or grades). Korean universities ask for great GPA from students as competition is already very high among korean students. You need to be good with your academics, not only in last year of your highschool but also in every year. Your grades matter a lot to get admission in korean University

Cost of Medicine in Korea

Cost of undergraduate Medicine course in South Korea Korea is not as expensive as other English speaking countries with a good level of education in terms of medicine course.  Korea is well known for its science and technology. Pursuing Medicine course from korea can be a wise choice as it provides quality education with low fees. So lets see below what's the fees of different universities in Korea. 1. Seoul National University: Seoul National University is one of the top rated universities of korea. The fees of undergraduate Medicine course in Seoul National University can cost around 6000 USD per semester. With two semesters in a year of 5-6 year Medicine program. I hope you can do your calculations now. 2. Yonsei university: Yonsei university is a very well known university of korea. The fees of undergraduate Medicine course in Yonsei university can cost around 4100 USD per semester. With two semesters in a year of 5-6 year Medicine program. 3. Korea University College of Medici

Medicine Universities in KOREA with English language ( for foreigners including indians)

 Korean Universities for  Indian Students

Medicine in korea

 MEDICINE IN SOUTH KOREA Medicine in korea is dream of many. Students from all around the world have been attracted towards South Korea i.e "THE K-WORLD". Korea has attracted youngsters from all over the world with its kpop and kdrama power from around a decade. Korea has not only gain attention for its entertainment industry but also for its science and technology which has attracted students from all over the world to come korea for studies. After watching avengers: Age of Ultron many students have setup their mind to go korea and be like Dr. Helen Cho......(inspiration can come from anywhere)              So, talking about medicine in korea. Is medicine in korea possible? In medicine in korea worth it? What's the fees? What's the cost of living? What's the entrance exam? There are many questions rolling up in everyone's mind.             For taking admission in korean University for undergraduate medicine, one should give CSAT exam i.e 수능 exam or suneung ex